I’ve Done ALL The Challenges… As some one with anxiety, I tend to put too much pressure on myself. For too many years, I ran on adrenaline as I faced one deadline after another. Managing work, my own business and three kids wasn’t about...
To be accurate, this post should be titled “part of my burnout story,” since it only tells the broad strokes. I’m sure I’ll write other posts getting into the details about what worked, what didn’t work, how I felt, and how I feel now....
If you are on my newsletter list (if you aren’t, you can sign up here), you’ll already know that I’m focusing my services on helping women who are dealing with burnout. I’m preparing several posts about this topic from my own experience, my...
A Confession The first couple of days back at school, I didn’t take my supplements in the morning. There was too much mother-work necessary to get three kids to the bus on time. I told myself I would take my supplements at lunchtime, but that wasn’t part...
The Panic What happened today to send my plans and preparations so off course? After a fairly calm, productive and emotionally stable day, I suddenly found myself having a panic attack. I felt nauseous, trapped, and out of control. My heart was racing, my body...
I’m so excited to share some exciting news today. This week I was blessed to be part of a book launch for a collaborative book with over 250 contributors. We each shared a story about grace in our lives to create 365 Moments of Grace. This book is already...